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Individual Presenters & Performers


Unlock Your Potential and Deliver Unforgettable Performances.

Out-of-the-Box Presentation Coaching. Extraordinary Results.

It takes technical prowess AND authentic, engaging communication to get noticed and hired.


You know this, yet you feel there’s a missing piece. Something is keeping you from being seen, advancing in your career, or experiencing joy in what you do.


Performers and presenters are taught to value exactitude as a top priority. All the attention is focused on flawless execution of how you speak or sing, and everything else is supposed to fall into place. Everyone assumes you know what to do. But precision alone doesn’t provide a complete experience.

Product vs. Process

The traditional teaching model tends to focus more on product vs. process, with an over-balance of feedback intended to fix what’s wrong. Oftentimes, this leads to hyper-fixation on mistakes and fear-based thinking and behaving.  


This can be true even for performers and presenters who are already amid a successful career, and it can manifest in many ways:


  • Feeling anxious or stressed about making a mistake.

  • Self-doubt about capability.

  • Harsh self-criticism for any fault or shortcoming.


Public performance and presentation open one up to the constant potential of judgment, negative criticism, and rejection. Yet formal training spends little to no time on tools for emotional resilience and mental fortitude. You may even have been told to “toughen up” or to “sink or swim.”


The result of this isn’t confidence. It’s a wall.


This can rob performers and presenters of authentic communication – and the ability to connect in a way that feels genuine – all for the sake of “getting it right” and protecting themselves. It’s an unfortunate side effect of traditional training and/or negative self-talk that causes hesitation and tension.


The mind-body disconnect results in communication that doesn’t look real. The performance or presentation appears contrived, masked, wooden, vague, held back – not natural. Not authentic.

Ann guides performers and presenters toward freedom of expression, emotional resilience, and independence. Her work has helped thousands to develop their talent, deliver compelling presentations, and embark on careers as successful and savvy individuals.


"What Ann Baltz does in a three hour class is a bit of a miracle. …Her ability to instill immediate trust with the students is inspiring. I saw my students take risks that I never expected...In my years as a director and educator, my evening watching Ann work was one of the most magical I have spent."

David Gately | Director of Opera, Boston Conservatory at Berklee

Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection for Optimal Performance

The basics seem so…basic.


But the fact is a lot of things are left out of formal education. Most performers and presenters enter the professional realm with gaps in their training.


At the same time, it’s assumed that you have a full set of skills, which typically leads to one thing:  Pretending to know.


When you are subject to public criticism, there is a strong urge to look like you know what you’re doing, even if you don’t. The whole “fake it ‘til you make it” might save you from the judgment of others, but it doesn’t address the stress or shame associated with feeling like you don’t have a complete set of tools.


And because humans hold emotions in the body, this stress can result in stiff presentations at best, and at its extreme cause vocal or psychological trauma – even for top-level performers and presenters.


You are your instrument, so you must train your entire being.


Mind. Body. Voice. Creative spirit.


It’s ok to go back to the basics, no matter your level. This is how top performers in any field continue to advance in their career – when they reach a plateau, they break down their “game” so they can build systems and skills to surpass their current limits.


Perhaps you never had courses or curriculum that specifically addressed eye focus, movement language, energy dynamics, or communication styles. Perhaps you have forgotten who you are in all of this or why you loved what you do in the first place.


Acquiring the right tools can help you to unlock the mind-body connection, freeing you from trapped potential and opening you to your complete range of talent and imagination.

The result is the opportunity to experience optimal performance.

Ann believes this work is a collaboration where you are invited to explore and take risks in a non-judgmental environment.


You are worthy and respected regardless of your skill level. There’s no grading here.

Ann seeks to understand everyone holistically, as a whole person. This includes the acknowledgment of each person’s individual talent, skillset, psychology, physicality, and personality, allowing for the ability to work intuitively with different aspects at once.


In her private coachings and workshops, Ann uses unconventional tools such as improvisation and imagination to undo old patterns and release the mind from right/wrong thinking. She addresses the mental, physical, emotional, and dramatic aspects of your communication. You’ll focus on what you’re doing well and explore ways to breakthrough limitations. While some of the work becomes an ongoing process, some aspects of improvement can be experienced instantly.


You Have Permission.

  • You can follow your intuitive instincts and impulses.

  • You can be confident in making your own decisions.

  • You can acquire new technical tools and explore without judgment.

  • You can be a positive, secure, self-confident communicator.


In this work, you have permission.

To inquire about scheduling a private coaching or career planning session with Ann, click the button below.

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